This is one of the most important concepts to understand the nature of the God of the Bible. Here I will try to present my view of the “Trinitarian Godhead”.
Let us start with what we know about the Trinity from the Holy Bible. According to the Holy Bible, the Trinitarian Godhead consists of 3 entities/ persons namely the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three entities are referred to be one God. Now the common question that arises is how can 3 be 1.
Some of the arguments given by people for this matter is that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are persons of the trinity whereas a God is a Being. Now it is not a surprise that multiple personalities can exist within the same being.
Another explanation that people give is that of Body, Soul, and Spirit, which also is a very apt explanation in my opinion. The Son is referred to as the body, the Father is referred to as the soul and the holy spirit is referred to as the holy spirit in this explanation.
However, I think there is one more way in which we can comprehend the Trinitarian nature of the Godhead. Refer to the below diagram.

What Similarities do you notice between the two diagrams? The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit can be understood as the different states of existence of a being called God similar to what is common knowledge in science as states of matter. We know that there are 3 states of existence of matter namely solid, liquid, and gas. Similarly, God of the Holy Bible can be understood to exist in 3 states/entities/persons the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. And I think this is what Jesus means when he says ‘I and the Father are one.’
Now another question that would immediately come to mind would be can the 3 exist simultaneously? Coincidentally there is a case in which the three states of matter coexist simultaneously. Another interesting thing is the compound that is most commonly used to demonstrate this phenomenon is water. The point at which the 3 states of matter of water coexist simultaneously is called the ‘Triple Point’. Now there is another coincidence, guess what! In the Bible, Jesus has compared himself to water.
The God of the Bible can’t be completely understood due to his greatness which again is an attribute of a being called God.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this topic. You can comment down your thoughts in the comments. See you all in the next post, till then keep reading.